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Pennsylvania, United States
What changes hath time wrought...mostly a different hair-color, a few wrinkles and loss of short-term memory.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Long Time No Post

I've thought of a number of things I'd like to "blog" about but of course when I sit down to do it I can't remember! So this may be a bit jumpy and scattered.

First, friends of mine were recently told they would be given a hot tub. They are the same age as me and I couldn't stop thinking about the SNL Eddie Murphy/James Brown hot tub sketch. My friend did NOT remember this bit. And I couldn't remember how it went. I was sure part of the song Murphy sang included the words he...' can't get in the hot tub 'cause my butt's too big.' Another friend suggested I Google Eddie Murphy/James Brown hot tub sketch. I found the video. Click on link listed here to reminisce. I was wrong about the lyrics, but I think I remember making those lyrics up with a friend. I don't think I could get in a hot tub with out that tune constantly floating on my brain waves.

Second, about a week ago it occurred to me I hadn't had a good belly laugh for a long time. Well, at a recent graduation party we were sitting at a long table under a canopy. There were about 4 tables with chairs on both sides. Now, we had had some good rain and I'm not sure how dry the ground was because the host had put some shims under the table legs. Fortunately the same could not be done for the chairs. The people sitting on my side of the table, the HIGH side seemed to be towering over the people across from us. But none so much as one man, sitting with his neck level with the tabletop, eating nonchalantly. I don't know if his chair legs had sunk into the wet ground or he had extra shims on his side of the table. Honestly, it was the funniest thing I'd witnessed in a long time. Then, watching old episodes of America's Funniest Videos (AFV), I saw the funniest video: a woman would lock a door when her boyfriend/husband would be entering and she would make him dance before she would unlock the door. She did it four times, twice in a car! That was hilarious but it was funny because the guy was sooooooo good-natured and he would do a little dance and laugh! It won the big money. I'm going to try the find the link to that video. (No luck with that.)

I had a successful Yard Sale last Saturday (June 21). Go to www.yegsyardsale.bravehost.com to view my sale items. The cost of a Classified Ad is ridiculous and the more words the more expensive the ad. We sold almost all the baby furniture in Jacob's room. Tim thought I should've asked for more, and he's probably right. BUT we had to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Jacob will get all of Sarah's furniture and Sarah is getting a new, white, girlie, set. And that is scheduled for delivery July 9. Currently he (and Sarah) are sleeping, quite happily, on an air mattress in Jacob's room. We hope to move the bed to his room tomorrow. We have to clear Sarah's room because we are also replacing her awful burnt-orange shag carpet and that will hopefully be done July 8!

I recently read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I really enjoyed it until the end. I would LOVE to know if anyone else read this and felt the same way. Even though the narrator was telling the story from heaven it read like a realistic fiction book until near the end when it turned into fantasy!!!!! The books most disturbing action takes place in Chapter 1 and you know who the perp is. The story is more about how a family deals with the loss of a child. I appreciate books like this. It makes you more empathetic with people who experience unbelievable tragedy. I'm afraid if my daughter disappeared I would end up in an asylum. I don't know how I could possibly cope with the loss! I feel similarly about the deaths of soldiers. It just seems arbitrary: who could be next?!?!? Entertainment Weekly named The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold as a Modern Classic.

I'm also a bit excited because I read an article about Angelina Jolie and she is supposed to be starring in an upcoming adaptation of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. That book and The Fountainhead are two of my all-time favorite books. And Jolie would be perfect as the main female character in either book! I've never seen The Fountainhead movie with Patricia Neal. I should see if it's available on Netflix. (I've never used this but I might need to start.)

Please feel free to add suggestions to: You Know You're Getting Old... I think of more of them when I'm not trying to!

1 comment:

  1. I'm back!!!!!! I have gotten my password all straightened out. You told me to read The Fountainhead.....which I did........I HATED it!
    Also, You know you're getting old when you have to remind your son to shave his face but forget to pluck those pesky black chin hairs of your own!!!!!!
